You will acquire specialized skills in the professional field for which you were prepared in the vocational training program. Additionally, you will gain skills in economic, accounting, and administrative matters, legal, linguistic, and communication skills including PC work, and knowledge necessary for establishing and operating your own business.

A graduate of the Business Studies programme is a secondary-educated worker with complete vocational education and has a broad educational foundation.

Proficient in:

  • Specialized skills in the professional field for which they were trained in the vocational training program
  • Skills in economic, accounting, and administrative matters
  • Legal, linguistic, and communication skills including PC work
  • Knowledge necessary for establishing and operating one's own business

Completion method and certification:

  • Maturity examination
  • Certificate of maturity examination

Employment opportunities for graduates:

Graduates are prepared for entrepreneurial activities, especially in the field of their initial professionalization.

Further education opportunities:

Graduates have the prerequisites to continue their studies at a higher vocational or university level.